martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009


TITULO: Sacerdote Maya
AUTOR: Mauricio López Moctezuma
TÉCNICA: Escultura en Barro


2 comentarios:

  1. Mauricio, I am so glad that you now have a blogspot as a showcase for your amazing talent. I know, because I have witnessed first hand, the many hours of devotion and dedication that you invest in each of your works of art. I remember your frustration in trying to develop a firing process that preserved and enhanced, rather than nearly destoying, your creations. The hours you spent working with mud and trying to protect it (with water and plastic) from the burning hot sun so that it could then be completed and experimentally fired is just one example of your fierce determination to succeed and a lesson to all of us that we should never give up. I have seen and touched, carefully and with awe, some of the items depicted here as well as many others that you have done. Each and every one of them has strong aesthetic and emotional appeal. One of my early memories is of a pyramid that you had done - it was amazing but so simple compared to your recent achievements. Congratulations Mauricio. Your art has touched my mind and my heart. Love and best wishes from Gloria Wallace.

  2. Queridísima Gloria, muchas gracias por tu grato y generoso comentario. Es un honor y una enorme alegria saberme tu amigo, de mi familia, por tantos años. Tantos recuerdos gratos compartidos con ustedes, contigo, y en efecto no ha sido fácil este proceso de aprendizaje pero lo he disfrutado y lo seguiré haciendo intensamente. Te quiero mucho y al igual que mi querido Len (q.e.p.d) los tengo con amor presentes en mi corazón. Ustedes han sido parte importante de mi fortaleza para seguir adelante. Nuevamente, muechas gracias. Mauricio López Moctezuma.
    PD:Me disculpo por contestarte en español.
